Elder Scrolls Online – Konsolenversion verzögert sich um sechs Monate

Keine so guten Neuigkeiten für TESO-Fans. Die Konsolen-Umsetzung lässt wohl noch einige Zeit auf sich warten.


Darauf deutete ein Eintrag in den FAQ´s der offiziellen Website von The Elder Scrolls Online.

The Elder Scrolls Online erschien offiziell am 4. April 2014 für PC und Mac.

Als uns klar geworden ist, dass wir den geplanten Juni-Release der Konsolen-Version nicht einhalten können (wir haben große Fortschritte gemacht), haben wir uns dazu entschlossen das wir sechs weitere Monate benötigen, um unseren Fans das Erlebnis zu bringen was sie erwarten und verdient haben. Für weitere Informationen zu dieser Verschiebung, schaut in unseren Blog-Post.

faq teso console

Der angedeutete Blog-Post existiert (noch) nicht und im FAQ ist der obige Eintrag mittlerweile auch nicht mehr aufzufinden. In einem Reddit-Beitrag dazu berichten einige User davon, dass ihr Account von Bethesda gebannt worden ist und der Publisher drauf und dran ist entsprechende Posts mit dem Inhalt dieses Textes zu löschen.

Noch ist unklar ob es sich bei dem ganzen um ein versehen handelt, oder eine entsprechende Ankündigung noch folgt. Sobald es eine offizielle Stellungnahme seitens Bethesda gibt, werden wir diesen Artikel entsprechen aktualisieren.

Bethesda hat die Verschiebung der PS4- und Xbox One-Fassung von Elder Scrolls Online mittlerweile bestätigt:

We know from the frequent questions we get that many of you are excited about playing ESO on the PS4 and Xbox One, and today we’d like to share an official update on the status of these releases. Read on for the latest information:

We’ve been grateful to our fans for the wonderful response to our recent launch of The Elder Scrolls Online for PC/Mac, but we know many of you are eagerly waiting to play the game on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

We continue to work on the console versions of ESO, and game development has been progressing steadily, but we are still working to solve a series of unique problems specific to those platforms. Integrating our systems with each console manufacturer’s networks—which are both different from the PC/Mac system as well as different from each other—has been a challenging process. It has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn’t going to be possible. Though we have made great progress, we have concluded that we’ll need about six months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve.

We know that the news of an ESO console delay is as disappointing to many of you as it is to us. We want to do what we can to make it up to our fans who want to start playing now, so we have worked out the following arrangement with Sony and Microsoft:

Via a special offer, anyone who purchases and plays the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by the end of June will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released. The offer will allow you to begin playing immediately on the PC/Mac, and then add the PS4 or Xbox One version and transfer the character(s) you have created and developed. And, you don’t have to pay full price for the game twice. For $20, eligible PC and Mac players will have the option to add a full, digital version of ESO on either the PS4 or the Xbox One with your character transfer(s), and another 30 days of included game time.

Whether you decide to take advantage of this offer or not, we promise to do everything we can to get the game released on both consoles as quickly as we can. We will keep everyone updated with additional details regarding character transfers, specific offer dates, when you can expect console beta to start, and of course, when ESO on consoles will launch.

Thank you for your patience and loyal support.

Quelle: Polygon


Christian Kaeomat
Christian Kaeomat

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